Morning Program & Baby Spot Fall
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Every Sunday Cecilia emails our families iand previews the curriculum for the coming week as well as the discussion topic for caregivers. For example, one week this past winter our theme of the week was Winter Small World. Our stations included snow scenes at the easels with white paint on dark paper; an arctic habitat at the sensory table with dyed rice, penguins, “icebergs” and pretend snow; ice paintings at one of our art table with watercolors on ice cubes and snow collages at our second art table with cotton balls and clear contact paper. Our discussion topic that week was “understanding our child’s temperament.”
This spring one of our week’s theme was Welcome Spring. Our stations rainbow painting at the easels; digging for spring bugs at the sensory table; tissue paper ripping/cutting and gluing it to a tree branch for a collaborative art project. And our discussion topic was “our child’s immune system.” Each week brings something new and fun for children and caregivers alike!